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OECD eChemPortal updated with latest data from ECHA

Data on over 1.3 million endpoints for 27 000 substances registered with ECHA under REACH is now available on the OECD’s eChemPortal.

Helsinki, 6 September 2023 – The update includes information on 186 new substances from ECHA’s database of REACH registrations, increasing the total number to 26 673 substance records. Additionally, across all substances, 18207 endpoint records were added bringing their total amount to 1.35 million.

The eChemportal allows users to run searches by chemical identifiers, properties of chemicals, and hazard classification. The eChemPortal also includes data from many other sources worldwide.


The eChemPortal provides free public access to information on properties of chemicals collected by various worldwide governmental chemical programmes.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is responsible for the development and maintenance of the eChemPortal. The portal is hosted by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

The data sources accessed through the eChemPortal are maintained by the organisations that create them. They are responsible for ensuring that links from the eChemPortal to their local data sources are maintained.